Monday, September 15, 2008

Chanté Wouden: Faith and Miracles

Directed by Manju Varghese, this 30 minute documentary shares the beautiful story of Chante Wouden a two-time cancer survivor. The film will be airing October 27, 2008 on KBYU Chanel 11.

Most people today are familiar with the disease known as Cancer, many know someone who has struggled with the illness. While others have stood by loved ones as they have fought the battle to survive. Some of you have even raised money to help find a cure and bring awareness to the disease.

Ewing Surcoma, is a Rare type of bone cancer, which mainly affects male teenagers. This bone cancer is rarely found in females especially under the age of 10. In the 1980’s the treatment for Ewing Surcoma was unknown and specialists were working hard to develop a cure. A brave number of men and women who had the disease volunteered to be part of the experiment in hopes to save themselves and help others in the future.

Adults who Struggle with cancer find it to be not only a physical fight but also an emotional and spiritual one as well. Now imagine only being three years old and trying to make sense of the disease. Chante Wouden the second oldest of a family of six shares her experiences with being diagnosed with this particular bone cancer and the experimental treatments that were being developed for the rare disease. When you see Chante with her 5’1 frame and 109 pounds you would not suspect the incredible challenges she has faced. But, Chante has not only faced them she has walked away from the battles stronger and she has lived to tell her tale.

PLEASE JOIN MIRRORLAKE FILMS ON OCT 27th 2008 on KBYU channel 11 to watch the life and experiences of this extraordinary woman on LDS LIVES - CHANTE WOUDEN: FAITH AND MIRACLES.
